
Organisational- and human resource development

PED - Personalentwicklung für die Druck- und Medienindustrie


In the PED project, innowise GmbH and Verbad Druck + Medien Nord West e.V. are developing a further education platform for specialists and managers. In addition to learning modules, the platform contains social media elements that encourage continuous networking among specialists and managers, thereby promoting the exchange of experience. This creates incentives and structures for a stronger anchoring of further education in the industry. 

PED - Personalentwicklung für die Druck- und Medienindustrie


Im Projekt PED erarbeitet die innowise GmbH und der Verbad Druck + Medien Nord West e.V. eine Weiterbildungsplattform für Fach- und Führungskräfte. Die Plattform enthält neben Lernmodulen auch Social-Media-Elemente, die eine kontinuierliche Vernetzung von Fach- und Führungskräften anregern, womit der Erfahrungsaustausch gefördert wird. Damit werden Anreize und Strukturen für eine stärkere Verankerung von Weiterbildung in der Branche gesetzt.  

Logistik und Arbeiten 4.0


As part of an industry initiative in logistics, innowise GmbH, the Verband Spedition und Logistik NRW e.V. and 13 industry companies have launched a model project on the topic "Working 4.0: Opportunities of digitalization for work in logistics and transport companies". The aim of the project is to provide logistics companies with an orientation with regard to future competence requirements and demands on organizational development and to support especially SMEs in the sector on their way to digitalization.

Logistik und Arbeiten 4.0


Im Rahmen einer Brancheninitiative in der Logistik haben die innowise GmbH, der Verband Spedition und Logistik NRW e.V. und 13 Branchenunternehmen ein Modellprojekt zum Thema „Arbeiten 4.0: Chancen der Digitalisierung für die Arbeit in Logistik- und Transportunternehmen“ gestartet. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Logistikunternehmen im Hinblick auf zukünftig zu bewältigende Kompetenzanforderungen und Anforderungen an die Organisationsentwicklung eine Orientierung zu verschaffen und insbesondere KMUs der Branche auf ihrem Weg zur Digitalisierung zu unterstützen.

"PerLe" - Personalmanagement in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft in NRW


Im Projekt „PerLe“ – Personalmanagement in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft in NRW entwickelt die innowise GmbH gemeinsam mit Food-Processing Initiative e.V. und 12 Pilotunternehmen Konzepte und Beispiele guter Praxis für ein zukunftsfähiges Personalmanagement in Unternehmen der Lebensmittelwirtschaft. Themen sind z.B. Personalgewinnung, Personalführung, Personalentwicklung und strategisches Personalmanagement.

FoodWeb2.0 - New Learning in the network


Foodweb 2.0 creates new approaches to training, for businesses and workers in the food industry. Class lectures will be supplemented by Web 2.0 technologies, so independent learning and the exchange of experiences between the participants is encouraged. In Collaboration with the University Duisburg-Essen, reflact AG and three further education institutions in the food industry, the innowise developed and tested practical concepts for a space and time independent learning in networks. The involved in the project training facilities in the industry provide learning modules av

AGE-Management: Growing with aging employees


The Toolbox for AGE management provides the appropriate tools and practical guides for the design of demographic change and supports users on the way to become a demography solid company. The innowise developed for companies, consultants and representatives of associations three target-group-specific tool boxes with examples of good practice, checklists, further information and contact persons. [project website]

PRÄWIN - prevention in companies in the knowledge economy


The focus of the project is the prevention of health workers and independent self-employed in companies in the IT and media sector. The project goes beyond traditional approaches to individual behavior and prevention focused especially the conditions in which people work.

Achtinno - Trust as a success factor for innovation


The joint research project 8iNNO pursued one main goal: The development of a concept "of organizational mindfulness," the company allows flexibility for innovation processes by stability of social relations. The innowise and the artec | Research Center For Sustainability at the University of Bremen, developed in cooperation with corporate partners a mechanism which companies can use to develop and maintain friendly changes in cultures of trust.

LEAN management in the printing and media industry


The innowise has developed together with four European partners, a series of workshops for the introduction of lean management in the print and media industry. The workshop series has been used successful in many companies in the industry. [project website]


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